On Patrol

Russell of Cedar City Utah, has been coming to Interbike since its inception. He volunteers with IMBA’s National MTB Patrol to provide support and education on his local trails. Every year the NMBP comes to Interbike’s Outdoor Demo to run the various medic stations throughout Bootleg Canyon in Boulder City, Nevada. 

Believe it or not, it gets hot out here in the desert. The patrollers stock up on plenty of water to hand out to grateful demo riders. 

Russel's Surly Moonlander is outfitted as a fully equipped first-aid bike. When he’s not working for the NMBP he likes to load up his bike for long trips with his dog. Bikes like this are great platforms for carrying supplies and navigating tough terrain. 

Later I'll discover a more practical reason to visit the first-aid tent myself. More on some overzealous riding and BicycleSPACE's adventures in the desert to come. 

By Francis Tatem, Marketing Manager